Computational AeroAcoustics lab
Computational Aerodynamics & Aeroacoustics Laboratory
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS
4, Miusskaya Sq., Moscow, 125047, Russia, phone: (7 499) 2207218
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A lab for advanced CFD and CAA

The wide range research activity and industrial applications in computational fluid dynamics and aeroacoustics fields.

  We have:

  • Highly professional staff
  • Powerful computing resources
  • Reliable and efficient in-house codes
  • Numerous international and Russian partners


  We develop:

  • High-accuracy numerical schemes
  • Parallel CFD solutions for supercomputers
  • New computational technologies and approaches


  We offer:

  • General-purpose CFD simulations
  • Specific aeroacoustic modeling
  • Advanced research


The works on computational aeroacoustics (CAA) started at IMM in 1990th. In 2002 the CAA Laboratory was officially formed. Currently, the Laboratory consists of eleven researchers, ten of them have Ph.D. degree, four of them have D.Sc degree. Besides the permanent staff, the team includes several under-graduated and post-graduated students and cooperates with a number of experts from external institutions. Starting from 2017 CAA Lab involved an associated division – Temporary research laboratory (VNIL) "AERO" for time-part staff.

Research heap: CFD CAA HPC


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